Tuesday 22 February 2011


2010 has delivered a lot of new and exciting acts but very few more promising and intriguing than
Tyler, The Creator, Earl, Hodgy beats, Super 3, Left Brain, and a bunch of niggas better known as Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All or OFWGKTA for short A bunch of radical black skater kids who rap about Satan, coke and sex with decomposing corpses. Eminem recently said in an interview that he had finally "grew up" and from the sounds of it this might be true but here is my theory. What ever demonic spirit that was dwelling within his soul from SSLP to about The Eminem Show has been exercised out of his body and found its' way to a bunch of 18 year old black kids from LA. Lets see what happens next...

For news, updates, etc..visit their website here

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